Tag Archives: Internal Revenue Service

Steven Crowder Is Hillary Clinton

Some paths to success on this platform are depressing. I wanted to entice people into watching a twenty minute meditation on the IRS, so I needed a conservative YouTuber to use as a foil. I’d heard of Steven Crowder for years, but never seen a need to watch one of his videos. It was honestly pretty appalling. A bunch of middle aged men yukking it up while bullying college students, pushing laughably bad propaganda about Israel and guns, and just generally lowering my estimation of politics, the internet, and media in general. Crowder apparently produces two hours of this every couple days, and gets half a million views every time. Grim. So I came up with the deepest insult I could imagine for Mr. Crowder, and built a video around it.

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Why the Huawei CFO Arrest Is Crazy | Iran Sanctions

Today’s video skirts an interesting question. How much do the US people know about the power our government, financial and legal sectors exercise in the world? My sense is not much. I have this, perhaps naive, hope that if they did have a better sense of that power, they would want the US government to use that power more responsibility. Instead, at this point we’ve got a government and media that actively misleads the people on this topic, and often misleads itself.

A key part of Washington DC’s ability to benefit from ever increasing defense budgets is keeping people scared. Emphasizing that US financial and legal power is capable of shutting down almost any real threat would kind of sabotage that effort. So we pretend that places like Russia and China are somehow independent actors that can do us harm, rather than stakeholders than are almost as wrapped up in benefiting from the status quo as the US is. I dunno. It’s something I think about a lot.

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