I could see a lot of people not liking what I did with this video. It’s pretty likely that I’ll have more to say about Israel and the horrors it’s inflicting on its neighbors in the coming months. But before I dive into that, it’s important to understand why Israel is allowed, or even encouraged to be the worst version of itself possible. There are a lot of weird conspiratorial, antisemitic theories out there, that serve to exonerate Washington, DC. It’s not a Jewish plot though. It’s a very clear, very obvious strategy executed by our government. Israel may be uglier, but it’s not that different from what we’re doing in Ukraine and Taiwan. Hell, even Biden makes the connection, as I’ve pointed out in earlier videos. I think most serious geopolitics people, which is how I see my audience, acknowledge that Israel is up to something horrible. What I suspect some in the audience may resent, is my suggestion that the cause of Taiwan and Ukraine may be tainted in similar ways.
Let me know!
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Video Transcript after the jump…
So you guys know Israel is Washington, DC’s greatest ally, right? We hear that a lot.
Biden clip
When we hear people defend the US-Israel alliance, the instinct of most people I agree with is to dispute it, by pointing out how much money the US spends on Israel and how little the US taxpayer gets in return. But there’s a crucial distinction to notice here. Israel obviously does nothing for the US public, and probably actively hurts us. But Israel is amazing for Washington DC.
Washington DC’s foreign policy interests are emphatically not the US public’s foreign policy interests. In fact, they have been directly opposed since the 1990s, if not before. The US public wants a calm, peaceful US empire, where we are respected, envied, maybe even loved by the people of the rest of the world.
At the end of the Cold War, the US public had all that. Military power along with a lot of other factors had placed the United States comfortably on top of the world. From the 1990s on the US could have spent trillions making the US and the world a better place. If we’d done that the whole world would be living in a US based Utopia right now. Not even 9-11 had to derail that progress. We got tremendous goodwill out of that 2001 attack, from everybody, even countries like Iran, that we had been antagonizing for decades. We were like two degrees away from a new century of cheap, peaceful US dominance and Washington, DC hated it.
You see, Washington, DC has very different priorities. During World War II we built up a massive military industrial complex. In 1945 it was a vigorous, effective tool for winning wars. Unfortunately, for the 8 decades since world war II, it has done nothing but rot and spread. The military industrial complex metastasized, hijacking our government, our media, and our universities. The vast majority of our congresspeople are completely corrupted by the MIC monster. Like any cancer, our foreign policy bureaucracy has no priority beyond its survival and its growth. National security has nothing to do with it. Washington, DC’s main priority is feeding the cancer with the taxpayer money.
When the complex has been called upon to fight wars, it has lost them, at obscene expense, and at repeated grievous cost to US culture. Just think of what the wars in Vietnam and Iraq did to us. Pointless slaughter and trauma for our soldiers, millions of innocents dead overseas, and growing division and distrust at every level of our society. But these wars were great for Washington DC. From 1945 to 1989, America’s cancerous war industry gravy train was easy to maintain. All you had to do was shout Communism, and start an unwinnable war against some third world country desperately trying to assert or hold on to its independence. But then the Berlin wall fell, and the cold war party train stopped. All of a sudden the vestiges of the US immune system, those few old folks who remembered the time before world war II and before the complex started to kick in.
This came at a difficult time for Washington, DC. The Reagan orthodoxy of the 1980s through the 2020s insisted that government was useless, markets had to take over everything. Defense spending was supposedly the only appropriate place for Washington DC in American life, and in the 1990s, without the Soviets, even that was being stripped away.
Which is where Israel comes in. But not just Israel. The much more attractive client states of Taiwan and Ukraine owe their existence, or at least their current status to Washington, DC as well. People love to assert that Israel or some kind of Jewish conspiracy have special power over US foreign policy, but they are missing what Washington DC is doing here. It’s not about some special dedication to Israel, it’s about the US foreign policy establishment’s addiction to insecurity, and our government’s willingness to use any tool available to preserve that insecurity. Sometimes, as with Ukraine, we utilize a legitimate urge for freedom. And sometimes Washington, DC profits off the urge to colonize.
After 1989 the world was plummeting into peace. When we study mainstream histories of the 1990s we mostly hear about Yugoslavia and Rwanda, or maybe the Congo, because they were new problems and that’s what our defense establishment wants us to hear about: problems.
What Washington, DC does not want us to hear about was the real story of the 1990s. Across Europe, Africa, Asia, Latin America, and even the Middle East, peace and democratic government was breaking out everywhere. The Pentagon’s bread and butter was evaporating everywhere. Russia, China, and even Iran were falling all over themselves to cater to the United States and win US investment.
Something had to be done. No matter how much the complex tried to sell the idea of a more dangerous world, it was obviously getting more peaceful, and the problems from hell DC wanted to sell, like Yugoslavia and Rwanda, were clearly not our problems.
Washington, DC’s defense industry henchmen got a reprieve at this century’s outset, thanks to some of their old employees. The networks of Saudi jihadists we had created to beat the Soviets in Afghanistan attacked New York and Washington, DC, in September 2001, scaring the bejeesuz out of everyone, and launching trillions of dollars of waste and destruction in the Middle East and Central Asia.
But anybody with half a brain knew terrorism wasn’t going to work as a long term justification for spending money on aircraft carriers, fighter jets and tanks. To sell any of that useless but lucrative junk we needed other countries to fight against. Which meant we needed to piss off countries like China, Russia and Iran again.
This presented a problem because we had already defeated Russia, China and Iran in every meaningful sense by the 1990s. Russia and China were trying to speed run American capitalism, and even Iran was suing for peace. The mullahs had invited US oil companies in, and had a billion dollar deal with Conoco before the Clinton administration killed it. Oil industry ties had been one of the first steps in taking the Soviet Union away from the Pentagon, and Washington DC didn’t want to risk that happening with Iran too. For Washington, DC, especially in the 1990s, violent enemies were a scarce resource that had to be preserved. And if they couldn’t be preserved, they had to be resurrected.
Which is where Taiwan, Ukraine and Israel come in. These countries all have, to differing degrees, compelling narratives around independence and national autonomy that earn the sympathies of many people. But so do the Kurds, the Biafrans, the Palestinians, the Sahrawis, the Catalans and many other peoples and places that have fought for their freedom and lost over the past century.
Now of course, Israel, Ukraine and Taiwan are much more serious, viable, and successful national projects than the projects of the Kurds or Catalans. Obviously. But why are they so serious and viable, exactly? It’s because these three successful examples of 20th and 21st century state building were heavily funded by Washington, DC because they helped turn friendly countries like Russia and China back into lucrative enemies for US defense industries.
There is no Jewish cabal running US foreign policy. The US spends a lot of money on Israel, for sure, but over the years we have spent comparable amounts of money turning Taiwan and Ukraine into independent military powers as well. My question for the antisemitic conspiracy theorists is what’s the Zionist agenda behind Ukraine and Taiwan? The answer is there isn’t one.
Certainly, the useful idiots at AIPAC, Home Depot, and the Adelson foundations are doing heroically stupid work convincing illiterate Bible humping congressmen that permanent war under Bibi is somehow in Israel’s long-term interest, but if you think the mouth-brreathers at the Free Press or the Anti Defamation league are somehow more in charge here than Lockheed Martin is, well I’ve got a bridge in Crimea I’d love to sell to you. The Israel Lobby are just useful idiots for bomb makers, destroying Israel’s prospects for long-term viability just as eagerly as they genocide Palestinians.
It’s also worth mentioning that Israel is nowhere near the biggest money maker currently. That would be Ukraine, where we have only been investing for three decades, as opposed to the eight decades of money we’ve put into starting wars around Israel and Taiwan, Ukraine is paying massively larger dividends than Israel’s disgusting little ghetto clearance in Gaza.
Helping Ukraine overthrow its democratically elected government in 2014, and convincing half our elderly cable news viewers that Putin had installed Trump after 2016, were devastatingly effective in turning Russia back into a rogue state. Russia’s 2014 and 2022 invasions didn’t just prompt over a hundred billion dollars in direct US government weapons purchases, it got Sweden and Finland to join NATO, and convinced multiple European countries to buy dozens of F-35s, an absurdly expensive US fighter jet that is barely capable of flying.
This policy is amazing for Washington, DC and its defense industry masters, and absolutely nobody else. It’s horrifically dangerous for the countries in question. Netanyahu, the US bomb maker’s choice to run Israel, supported and maintained Hamas and then left the borders unprotected on October 7th. Hundreds of thousands have died in Ukraine over the past decade, and Taiwan could be next.
Washington, DC’s policy of fostering wars is also really bad for US national security. As much as pro-peace people like me may want to deny it, The United States really does benefit from the perception that we have a powerful military. But, like Vietnam and Iraq in former decades, both Israel’s recent wars of conquest, and Ukraine’s fight for independence have made the US military industrial complex look laughably weak.
When the Houthi government of Yemen chose to protest Israel’s Gaza genocide by shutting down the red sea many assumed the US Navy would squash them like a bug. A full year later, Operation Genocide Guardian has completely failed. US Navy personnel are apparently traumatized to be fighting someone who can actually fire back at them for once. The Wall Street Journal reports that exchanging a mere 600 missiles or so with the Houthis has cost a billion dollars, making it clear that the US government simply won’t be able to afford a war over Taiwan or the strait of Hormuz.
Yemen has revealed that our military is focused on building bespoke crap that is way too expensive to be used in a real war. In 2020, the US government responded to COVID with the 2.2 trillion dollar Cares Act, the most expensive thing we have ever done as a country. If you extrapolate the costs of Yemen to a China conflict, we’d be blowing through a Cares Act every day or two. Fiscally impossible. Simply can’t be done with our current corrupt weapons procurement system. And now thanks to Israel’s genocide, everybody knows it.
We are failing even worse in Ukraine, where we are actually on the side of the good guys. Every couple months our military industrial complex media serves up happy stories about some whiz bang super weapon that’s going to change everything for Ukraine. And Russia keeps creeping forward. The reason is simple. Ukraine doesn’t need F-18s or tanks or another $150,000 HIMARS missile. It needs artillery rounds. And for three solid years of fighting now, the US military industrial complex has failed to provide adequate amounts of this simple 19th century technology.
We have been out produced by Russia, which is deeply humiliating. In December of 2024 Ukraine and its allies are proudly claiming that Russia is now only firing twice as many artillery rounds as Ukraine is. Down from 5 to 7 times as many for most of the conflict. We haven’t just failed Ukraine here, we’ve revealed that our weapons mad government isn’t even capable of making weapons adequately.
Washington, DC policy towards these three countries is bad for the countries in question, terrible for their regions, and creates a significant risk of nuclear war. These policies not only do not serve the US public, they actively hurt US national security by making the US military look weak and poorly supplied. But Washington, DC and those around it get richer by pursuing these policies, so they are very likely to continue.
Biden clip
So why is Israel Washington, DC’s greatest ally? Taiwan and Ukraine serve the same purpose of creating conflict, and they antagonize much more powerful countries. Ukraine is already much more lucrative than Israel, and Taiwan’s potential for selling useless luxury weapons is nearly limitless, as long as we can avoid world war III. So what makes Israel so much more attractive to people like Joe Biden.
Biden “We’d have to invent it?”
The thing about Ukraine and Taiwan, is that we kind of did have to invent them. Maneuvering those countries into their current state of heavy antagonism against Russia and China has taken billions of dollars and constant pressure. Israel acts in service to US weapons companies mostly voluntarily.
Ukraine has a storied independent national history that goes back far longer than the founding of the United States. Taiwan does not. The country only exists because of the United States. Taiwanese political history starts when the losers of a Chinese civil war took shelter there in 1949, behind the shield of the US Navy. Taiwan is younger than my Dad. Its system of representative government is two years older than my high school degree. It was only in the 1990s, when Washington, DC realized the island was our only path back to an aggressive China, that we midwifed Taiwan’s vibrant democracy into existence.
But even with all that Taiwan owes us, we’ve got to constantly bribe and manipulate the place to keep it antagonistic to China. We have managed to keep more independence-curious Taiwanese presidents in power since 2016, but as of 2024, more pro-China parties have a majority in the Legislature. Taiwans’ economy is completely dependent on China, and it takes a lot of work, like, Oh, I dunno, handing them a high-end semiconductor industry to keep Taiwan close enough to us to be a plausible source of war.
Ukraine certainly has very valid, centuries long grievances against the Soviet Union. But when they gained their independence in 1991, they were open to maintaining close ties with Russia, and didn’t think they had to choose between East and West. We worked hard, for decades, to make them choose. And it was a close run thing. We convinced them to turf out a pro-Russia president in 2004. But the Pro-US guys were so corrupt Ukraine reelected him.
Even after Russia’s first, more subtle invasion in 2014, Ukrainians were still deeply divided on whether Russia was their enemy. Everybody forgets that Zelenskyy was elected in 2019 in a landslide, defeating another US puppet, because he promised to bring peace and engagement with Russia.
Thanks to Putin’s idiotic 2022 invasion, we’ve now got a really solid Ukrainian war partner, but it took decades of work. Israel doesn’t take much work at all. We didn’t have to invent it, because the British did. Israel was set up to be in constant antagonism with its neighbors, and it continues to function that way under US empire with minimal manipulation.
Taiwan is one election away from a chummy relationship with China. The bad blood between Ukraine and Russia has been refreshed recently, but who’s to say what will happen after Putin leaves office in a few years time? In all of Israel’s 77 year history there was a brief moment when peace seemed possible in the 1990s, but it quickly diminished. This past month, we got an object lesson in how uninterested the Israelis are in peace. The Assad regime that had supposedly been one of its greatest enemies for half a century fell into disarray. Israel did not wait to see what the new government of Syria would do. It instantly acted to destroy Syria’s Navy, its air force and all of its air defences. Israel’s baseline assumption is that it is at war with all of its neighbors, no matter what happens to their governments. And that is why Israel will always be war-hungry Washington, DC’s favorite ally.
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